10 June 2010

I'm Back Baby!!

2 1/2 years ago I started this thing... typed for 4 days, then quit. not sure why. probably just forgot. regardless, the mad season continues.

sooo, lets try again - 2010 style.

recently things have been kinda crazy. not crazy like you can't handle it, but crazy in a way that makes you wonder why things work out how they do. why timing is so funny. or ironic.

finally started working off some debt 2 months ago. 1 card down, 2 to go. i've made it a conscious decision to start pushing myself and my life in a positive direction. take care of outstanding issues (money, work, life, etc...) and put myself in a situation where I can succeed.

like i just said... i was able to get rid of this roomstore card that has been haunting me (and my bank account) since 2005. next on the list is mr. citi-bank - the guy that helped me survive thru the loooong layover between jobs. with any luck that'll be gone soon too. it's a lot, but i might have something in store that'l allow me to rid myself of that crap too.

the day has been ok. a little on the quiet side for work purposes. the type of day that leaves you saying "when is something gonna hit the fan" because the day shouldn't go this easy.

mag's hockey later, puppy care and hopefully some sleep.